Thursday, April 17, 2008

CrashCart Report on Clinic Site #118

Clinic Site #118: Seattle: Auburn Location.

Site location has been secured and renovation is moving within budget. Additional provision for workforce to get site operational has been approved due to increased unexpected secondary effects due to mitigating factors of the surrounding area (Datalink Report #472237-Local_Research). Short-term Security Assets have been denied, but increased long-term hardware assets have been approved (Datalink Report #554872-Budget). Extraneous Assets pending approval or denial. Threat assessment has increased to “Orange” levels, so priority decision is requested.

Secondary concerns have been raised by Primary Teams (Datalink #6287449-Improvement_Suggestions), Human Resources have been tasked to handle this issue.

Report by: CanRay
Logo by: Mike Underhill


Anonymous said...

Got this as part of a "Bonus" bit of Paydata from some 'Runners I hired for a completely separate reason, which is slotting me off a bit for a personal reason. So here's my revenge, posting it online for all to see!

What this report is saying (The Hacker didn't grab the links, not knowing how CrashCart has their database set up), is that the new CrashCart Clinic in Auburn is almost ready to go. (If you haven't stuck your head out from the Puyallup Barrens recently, you can see it at the border with Auburn, at the old Universal Brotherhood Free Clinic building, no less!).

Too bad DocWagon is upset about having a second CrashCart place set up, and rumours of Shadowruns being set up are starting to fly. CrashCart is pleading for some 'Runners for defence before the hit happens.

In other words, folks, biz is going to pick up pretty soon in this area! Get your gear ready, and contact your Fixers and let 'em know you're available!

Anonymous said...

Mm thanks Money. That is very useful to know. Now where did I leave that fixers phone number...

Anonymous said...

My oh my.
Rival ambulance services vying for the same turf. This is going to get rather interesting rather quick.
I can see it now, Runners first being asked to do mild sabotage at first. A slashed tire here, an empty tank of gas there and next thing you know a totally jacked location scanner guides them straight through the middle of an unrelated firefight. Before you know it medical uniforms are the next gang colors and it's suddenly "Physcian Heal Thyself."
As for me, I think I'll forgo sending in my job application to CrashCart or DocWagon. I can easily see which way the wind is blowing here and I'm sure more than enough pieces of the casualties will fall on the doorstep of Sam's Surgury and deli where they will wish to be sewn back together for a reasonable fee.

And this month Sam's offering a special, free soup with every knife wound! Delicious and Kosher. It's Kosher-licious.