Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Uber kudos, God-fearing citizens of Seattle!

This is Mani Blaskil, and today I’d like to chat a little about our newest headlines, the Yakuza.

Let’s leave these guys alone, we’ve got bigger fish to fry. People are worried about a little organized crime that’s been there since the birth of this great city, but they’re here, always have been and they keep to themselves.

We’ve got monsters, real monsters right out there on our front doorstep, those metahumans who are sneaking around at night when the rest of us God-fearing families sleep, they’re out doing whatever dastardly deed it is that they do at that horrendous hour.

It’s time to put the reins to these lawless metahumans, demand justice! Forget about the Yakuza, they’re just Asian businessmen. Let them pay their taxes and everything will work itself out in the end. It’s time we start giving Asians a fair shake and well, humans in general. If we can’t control these evil metahumans and drive them out of our communities, humans will just be a poorly written chapter in history. It’s time we stand up and demand that Lone Star take some proper action against all these “awakened” types.

Let’s go to the phones:

Caller: “Hi Mani, I’ve been listening to your show, and aren’t metahumans just people who’ve been changed or something…”

Mani: “No, see that’s where you’re wrong, they aren’t people in the traditional sense of the word any more than cancer is a part of the body. Yah, the body might have grown it, it’s inside the body, but it’s wrong, it’s not a natural thing to be there, and if it’s not surgically removed, you die.”

Caller: “Ahh. That makes a lot of sense. I see them all the time on my walk to work and they always kind of scare me. I guess I’m not the only one.”

Mani: “You are definitely not, and that’s just the point I’m trying to make here. We have tax paying citizens afraid to go out of their house ‘cause it’s like the God damned Muppet show out there! Call your folks at Lone Star if you see them causing a shootout or something.”

Caller: “Thanks Mani, and uber kudos to you too!”

This is Mani Blaskil, Seattle’s Mr. Right saying, “Good luck and stay safe.”

Artwork by Mike Underhill


Anonymous said...

First poster! YAHH! Oh, and such uber kudos to you, Mani! Love your show!

Anonymous said...

"Who knows what they're doing..."

I don't know? Going to work the night shift, maybe? Just like all the "Normal" humans that do the same?

I won't say "Grow a brain", as a few (Admittedly a very tiny minority) of racists are actually intelligent, but open your mind to possibilities. Remove the blinders of hate and bigotry.

*Sigh* I fear my words will fall upon deaf ears and unyearning minds... Your choices made, and a refusal to allow for any concept of error. Your decision set in stone.

And in doing so, giving up the most important part of what you claim to have the most of,


Anonymous said...

Hey Mani, I have no doubt that you'll need protection from a large mob of people soon. Send a runner down to Redmond and ask around for me... I'm affordable, proficient, I don't mind getting my hands dirty, and I don't give 2 dreks about anybody's politics.

Anonymous said...

Mani is untouchable! He won't need your protection, Dutch, because we take care of our own. he's a visionary and those who are intelligent enough to see that surround him and protect him.

Money: Who do you think you are? You probably go to rallies and have touch-fests with orc men. Do horns and tusks turn you on? I bet they do. Do the world a favor: just give up and die.

Anonymous said...

When did this place become so over-run with humanis?

I'd say an assassination is in order, but we don't want any martyrs.

Anonymous said...

Eliminating someone successfully in such a manner as their ideals don't carry on is a matter of generating genuine confusion as to what their ideals were and whether they are really gone. As their celebrity fades, so too does the impact of their passing when it is finally revealed.

Uncertainty is a prelude to death.

Anonymous said...

If there's a plan in the works, let me know if you need a driver, a drone, or a hack.

Barrio Billy said...

Hey Mani, why don't you butt heads with the Yaks sometime, if they're just "asian businessmen"?

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Mani. It's about time someone in the media took a stand against all these damn trogs, halfers , and daisy eaters!

If you ever need somone to watch your back, me and my boys will do it free of charge!

Kilroy said...

The rampant, willful ignorance of anyone who believes metahumans are anything less than "people" is sickening.

The sapiens sub-species still has a range of variation that almost completely encompasses all aspects of metahumanity, just not in the same combinations. Wide ranges of sizes, builds, occassional differences in teeth, ear structure, light sensitivity, etc. Most of the so-called "purebloods" are one neutrino striking a chromosome away from giving birth to meta-like offspring.

I can only hope that (meta)humanity will not rise to the bait this terror-monger is dangling. Any direct attacks will only make him a martyr.

The only way this guy should die is old, ignored, and irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

I just want to shut him the hell up. The only thing I won't tolerate is intolerance. My offer for assistance stands.

alamos, o'rly: Get your heads out of your asses, and into the 21st century.

Flint said...

Well last I checked Their is still free speech so regardless of how limited his intelligence or how short sighted and ignorant his views maybe, He still has the right to them, As everyone has the rights to their views.

and of course I can not condone violence in any form, its unseemly and unneeded in almost all matters of life.

Anonymous said...

Nice sentiment from a Merc. God I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.

Flint said...

Please, Mercenary brings such flamboyant ideas when said, I like to view my self as more of a mediator between two peoples and/or groups that are seeking common ground and to which I help provide a suitable end to a means that is both equal and tolerable, Just more equal and tolerable on the side of my employers.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone have a "right" to hold any particular views, let alone speak of them out loud? Speach, even thought is merely a form of action - action which can have consequences far beyond one's person.

If an action be harmful to another, does not that person have a "right" to defend themselves? Mani's actions are harmful to trolls, ghouls, dwarfs, and orks. So the question is not "should he be allowed to take these actions?" - the question is merely "What form of defense against those actions is tactically sound?"

And tactically, beating a man's face in with a tire iron and feasting upon the tasty gobbets which burst free is a bad move. Sure it's satisfying, even delicious, but the fact is that sort of ferocity can be easily turned into a weapon against the actor by enemies who use it to claim a moral highground in debate (which they will attempt to do regardless of the actual statistics on lynchings and other hate-based crime).


So once again it comes down to signal management. The first step to silencing someone is to provide an incentive for listeners to change the dial. A good start would be to have Mani "take a break" and throw up some re-runs. As listenership decreased, the eventual impact of revelations of his demise would be lessened.

Step two is to insert uncertainty into the listeners. If people think that the signal may be fake, they'll be less likely to listen to its contents. A good example would be to start sending in "evidence" of Mani chillin like a villain in the Caribbean League with other peoples' money and a posse of hookers.

Step Three is to split the base. Fabricate a fight between different groups of supporters over something tangential. Start a program of call ins arguing back and forth over some trivial detail and threaten to excommunicate the other groups from the "movement" if they don't tow some inane line about an irrelevent side issue (I'm partial to "Real humans don't eat NERPS!" - but whatever).

Then, step four, just stop talking about him. When his suddenly announced vacation is over he won't come back or anything - so that part takes care of itself. It's nice to throw down some lingering doubt on this one though. It's good if people investigating the affair note that there was a bunch of embezzlement right when he "left" (don't be an idiot and use those funds - you'll spoil the plan and get yourself hoisted on a meat hook).

This is all hypothetical of course. But hey, we're all entitled to our opinions... right?

Anonymous said...

You forgot step five, chun. M107 with match grade DU rounds and a good spotter.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to say that I think I'm a person that's seen lives destroyed by hatred and bigotry.

That I think I'm a person that's had to hold children, HUMAN Children at that, when told the devistating news that Mommy or Daddy or Both will never come home again.

That I'm the one that had to give the news to people (Humans included) that their bodies were now so heavily injured that even with modern cybernetics and bioware that they will never do more than lie in bed in agony.

That I think I'm a person that has seen the depths of cthonic madness which this kind of thinking will drive people.

That I think I've seen an entire city thrown back two hundred years because of things like this.

I would like to say that I think I'm that person, but I can't. I can't like any of those things that I have experienced. They have stained my soul, but still I stand tall. Facing the adversity and abuse thrown out by the close minded fools that seek to raise themslves up only by tearing down those that are different.

As for giving up, I can't give up yet. "I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep".

And as for dying, many of your ilk have tried. Some indirectly, and some directly. Here I still stand, while they no longer count any age.

Also note that, despite the personal affronts that have been made against me, I have not given to threats or demands to "Shut up", or "Give up", or "Just fraggin' die!".

I have, instead, requested respectfully to open hearts and minds. Is there none of you with spirit enough to meet this request?

Or even an attempt at a rebuttal that is semi-sophisticated?

Anonymous said...

We're fragging runners. Why should this drek matter. It's increasing my target base and profitability, that's all I care about.

Anonymous said...

More to life than Shadows and Money, Begby.

Much more.

Anonymous said...

/me attempts to resist
/me fails

Like women. Some hot piece of meat to make you feel better about yourself.

TWKeller said...

You have to separate the biz from personal believes.
Do I agree with his views... no. Would I bust him in the grill on the street given the chance... yes.

Anonymous said...

Ok heres my question on the whole technomancer thing, these people screaming for blood, how the hell are they going to be able to tell the diffrence between a mancer and a decker with a internal comlink. Hell I'm not even a real decker and I have a internal, granted its just for my drones and wires mostly but its their,

Anonymous said...

How do you tell any of the persecuted people throughout history?

"They looked like they were" whatever.

Or someone "Snitches" on them in order to get back at them.

It's a witchhunt, Chummer. It's the type of justice that goes, "If you hang 'em all, you get the Guilty!"

I've seen more than one tall, skinny human being pummelled for being a "Keebler". Or big human ganged on for being a "Trog".

Ironically enough, a few of them were Humanis Card Holders, but couldn't get to their wallets in time to show that.

In times like this the Id gains control and the Ego goes to ground in terror.

Kilroy said...

Cross-posted from the MNN thread on the same topic in case some of the Pro-Mani people want to see how they are being manipulated.

You people aren't paranoid enough and are freaking out over the trees and not the forest.

Let's do some metadata analysis.

Mani 7/18
Primary message:Metahumans aren't people.
Secondary message:Ignore the Yakuza

MNN 7/18
Primary message: Lonestar unable to keep metahumans safe
Primary message: Metahumans the only ones important
Secondary message: Ignore the Yakuza gun fight that killed them
Secondary message: UCAS military response excessive
Secondary message: General consensus is arming yourself is the best plan

Now, the inherent bias of Mani and MNN are obvious; both are racists on different side of the fence.

The truly interesting thing is both think the Yakuza is a non-issue. There's a sub message that is internally inconsistent that Lonestar is unable to control the violence and that their lethal response to those who perpetrated a massacre comprises a "savage attack." (MNN:A subsequent helicopter gunship chase of two vehicles ended violently as UCAS destroyed them, fortunately none of the victims in the savage UCAS attack were Metahumans)

Now, how do you classify Yakuza members who were just involved in a significant gun battle that kills at least 7 innocent people as "victims" ?

The Yak's got their fingers in deep to several people. You want to shut up Mani and the MNN, go find the Yak link.

Anonymous said...

That's odd, Mani was more than willing to shake my elven hand after I delivered the Calhot chip he'd ordered. I did some checking on the one he'd paid through the nose to get... delivered, and it turns out to be a big seller. I guess he really likes to be a husky ork female surrounded by a horde of overly-amorous dwarven leatherboys. He didn't even quibble over the price, just forked over the nuyen and ran off.

Just goes to prove you never know what's going on under the hood, literally.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Mani is in bed with the Yaks - from what I hear they don't like metas either. I've served with people of every creed you can imagine, and every one of them was ultimately human. Hell, I'm Sapiens-Sapiens, and if you get down to it a lot of these people are more human than I am.

For the record, I'm running a blue light special on Yaks and Polis. Bullets are cheap.